So far we have talked about (see previous postings):
1. Start at the END!
2. Write down your goals.
3. Set realistic yet challenging goals.
4. Anticipate obstacles and plan how to overcome them.
5. Get Mentally Prepared
"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King, Jr
Action is the key! The last three steps are all about action...
6. Implement the plan forwards. Now take action! Break action steps into weekly or daily activities. Keep a "TO DO" list! Prioritize it and refer to it often. Help others do the same. Remember - focus on results not activities. Periodically evaluate and adjust your plan. Keep your obstacles in mind (Step 4) and be prepared to either go through them or around them. Stay the course but adjust your sails.
*7. Build in Rewards. Throughout the process, build in rewards for yourself and/or the staff. Break down an annual goal into quarterly goals. Or break down a company goal into team goals. When you reach the quarterly and/or team goal, “celebrate”! Set up periodic, small rewards to keep you and your staff motivated. These will also help keep you goal centered.
*8. Try Again! Learn from your mistakes. Use the experience you gained to re-evaluate present goals and establish new goals. Here are two questions you can ask yourself to turn every mistake into a learning opportunity. 1. “What did I do well?” and 2. “What will I do differently the next time?”
(* Note- steps 7 & 8 are steps I find people tend to forget.)
There you have it... It isn't hard to set goals that work, yet many people simply do not follow these fundamental principles.