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Building a team “Family Style”

Building a team “Family Style”

I come from a big Italian family. All four of my grandparents came to America from Italy (okay my Mom's father came from Sicily!). My extended family, just on my Dad's side (including aunts, uncles, cousins…), totaled almost 100 people. So I am very well versed on the concept of working together in groups.

When I look at team building I think of it as ‘family building”. Here is what I mean:

1. First, think of the group as “Family” not a team. Family in this context is a group whose members are related in origin, characteristics, or occupation. So since you are related in occupation, you qualify as a “family”

I’ve always considered my co-workers, clients and other business relationship as my “business family”. I have used this concept with organizations when I have served: as president, as committees chair and on committees/teams. I find it more powerful to think “family” versus team.

2. Find ways to get people to work/play together. You build stronger relationships when you interact/communicate with each other. Traditions also build family. For example, Sunday family dinner, Holidays, a family reunion, family picnics… Think of ways to incorporate the ideas of tradition into your business family.

3. Communicate with your family. A concept I use with my family (my wife and our two children) is communicating with love. I call this “loving truth”. How can I communicate from a place of “caring”. A family should be a safe place. By using caring communication we help create the safe environment and build an even stronger “business family”.

4. Reward family behavior, both informally and formally. Praise family behavior and reward family behavior. Behavior that is rewarded is repeated.

5. Include yourself in activities. As the leader, be sure to include yourself in the family and family activities. Remember you lead by example!

Do you have any other ways to build a “business family”? I would like to hear them. Send me an e-mail to
