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Anti-New Year's Resolutions?

"Not To Do List"

During this time of year, people starting thinking about making "New Year's Resolutions".

I use to set New Year's Resolutions at the beginning of the year. Now I look at it differently. Every quarter I set and revisit my goals. I encourage my busy executive coaching clients to do the same. In addition to setting/revisiting new goals I ask my coaching clients to also create a "Not To Do List". Yes, I did say a "Not To Do List".

Some of us (including myself) keep adding to our list and very seldom take the time to look at the list and ask, "What can I stop doing?"


Here are a few ways to make "Anti-Resolutions" and remove some of those goals on your list that no longer serve you:

1. Does it fit in with you current mission/vision of your organization? Is not, take it off the list.

2. Is it the best use of your time? Can or should someone else be doing it? If so delegate it

3. Does is bring value to you or your clients? Take a look at the cost/benefit relationship of the item. Does the time invested return a greater value to you or your client? If not, stop doing it or delegate it.

4. Has it been on your list for more that six months? It maybe time to move it "off" your list or move it "up" your list.

5. Ask yourself, "If I didn't do it would it make a big difference in my life, the life of my clients or my family's life?" If the answer is no... take it off the list.

What are some of the items you have taken off your list recently? Let me know and I will share them with my readers. E-mail me by clicking here
