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Showing posts from August, 2008

Traits Successful Leaders Possess - Initiating

Improving leadership skills increases the performance of those you work with and enhances your opportunities (and the opportunities of those you lead) for advancement within a company. As a leadership communications coach I have identified 18 traits successful leaders possess. Over the next few months I would like to discuss a few of these key traits that can help you grow and develop as a leader. Today let’s talk about Initiating Initiate – Initiate conversations to help find solutions. Don’t always dictate change. Initiate change by creating atmosphere where creative juices can flow freely. Asking questions is a great way to initiate conversations. Try asking open-ended questions to help people focus on solutions, for example: “What can we do better as a company?” Encourage suggestions for improvement. Set out a suggestion box and reward good suggestions. Continually strive to Make the future better than the present.. An optimistic attitude from a leader can carry over to others. Ne...

Vote For Me!

I have decided to toss my hat into the ring for President. Check out the Buzz.... Whoever you decide to vote for... please vote this fall! P.S - Sorry to bust your bubble, this is not real :)

Traits Successful Leaders Possess

Improving leadership skills increases the performance of those you work with and enhances your opportunities (and the opportunities of those you lead) for advancement within a company. As a leadership communications coach I have identified 18 traits successful leaders possess. Over the next few months I would like to discuss a few of these key traits that can help you grow and develop as a leader. Today let’s talk about Consistency. Don't be a tyrant one day and a pussycat the next. Flip-flopping between styles confuses employees. Also make decisions consistently. Those that look to you for leadership must know what to expect on a daily basis. We connect with some workers better than others. Try not to let the relationship taint your response. Treat all employees equally. Enforce company policies fairly. It is more difficult with the co-workers who are different than you. Remember to not to take things personally. When you take things personally it shifts how you react/respond, th...