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Showing posts from June, 2009

Effective Leaders Listen!

Effective leaders understand that good communication also involves the ability to give clear direction and productive feedback. Here is another of my leadership communication skills tips to help you communicate your message more effectively: Listen - do you hear what I hear? Our brain can process information three times faster than people can speak. This GAP is what makes us either good or poor listeners. Listening is a learned skill that involves utilizing the GAP between how fast we think/process information and how fast others speak. So next time someone is talking with you, force yourself to use the GAP to stay focused on the other person. ACTION Practice catching yourself drifting off when someone is talking with you. The first step to change is awareness. Once you are aware of the challenge then you can adjust what you are doing with the GAP to be a better listener. Join me next time as I share "Five Ways to Use the GAP to be a Better Listener". So be sure to check b...